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Reasons Why WordPress is the Best Choice for Your Business.

1. WordPress is a very flexible and open source.

Everything that wordpress is made up is a complete open source. Meaning your functionalities to your site, as well as features (such as Comment, Galleries, etc) are all regularly updated by WordPress developers on their database. Which is great! Because it forces developers to continuously stay up on the trends of industries. One of the most important reasons why it?s so great that WordPress is an open source is that developers are there as soon as possible to catch any bug in the system/coding and are able to close everything down for you within the same day.

2. Easy to manage content.

The tool for content management is so easy to comprehend that you can update and upload pages on your own. With just a few simple steps, you?re able to add content to your site such as pictures, events, and even products whenever you want! This comes in handy when saving your business money. Some developers will ask money for those kind of updates, however wordpress makes it simple enough for you to do it yourself. It takes less than an hour to learn how to simply change your content or add photos, and that?s where Designburd helps you. We?ll show you step by step how to manage your very own content.

3. Extended Plugins

So you want your background to fade in and out different images every 5 seconds? Great! There?s a plug in just for that! And almost anything that you?d like to add to your sight. By using wordpress you?re able to sure different plug ins and test them yourself without having to go through a developer. Curioius about how many readers are on your website right now? Well, there?s a plug in for that too. The core functionality of wordpress is very simple, however that relatable plug ins for users is simple outside of the box. And if you do need a developer to help you edit a plug in just a little, wordpress gives the developer room to play with the PHP which makes all plug ins very flexible.

4. Your?e Able to Add a Blog Yourself

It?s important for your small business to have a blog, or some sort of post to interact with your customers and keep them up to date with your business. With wordpress most themes are blogs. You can literally add a blog within minutes to your site. WordPress makes.

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